Sunday, 14 June 2009

2.BIG. Do humans kill every DANGEROUS animal?

Good question.

Man is the most dangerous animal on the earth - like any other animal when they feel threatened they will kill. Man has the resources to kill so a whole species, such that they become extinct. This is a significant problem for the tiger, where man is wanting to live in areas where the tiger lives.

Without education, man would annihilate all animals - hopefully, there are enough of us who care, and will support these dangerous animals. For example the world wildlife foundation actively help these dangerous endangered species.

But even when not directly threatened they still kill - for example for sport - fishing, big game shooting, bull fighting.

4.BIG. What transport will we have in the future?

This is a BIG question

It is very
dependant on the type of fuel we have available to power our transport.

If there is no oil - how would we power
today's cars, buses, trains etc. Also current transport forms are not good for the planet producing CO2.

Much talk of
alternative fuels - for example, using oil from plants - the problem with this is there is not enough food in the world to feed everyone so it is really not a good idea to use the food to power transport.

Hydrogen power - this gas makes up 80% of the air, + is in water - so lots of it. When used, the only
exhaust is water vapour.
See for more information.

Power from the sun, using the sun rays to create
electricity in solar panels.

The target will be for transport to be designed to be lighter and faster and hopefully more fuel efficient.

Some good ideas are on:

There are a few games in this website as well.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

What would the world be like without dangerous animals?

This is very difficult for us to imagine, since there are many dangerous animals.

If a meat eating dangerous animal was not dangerous, it would not be able to catch its prey. As a result it would die. Eventually there would be no more meat eating animals in the world.

The world would be populated with plant eating animals. Since they would not be in danger from being eaten, more and more of these animals would populate the world.

A point could come when there was not enough food for them to eat and they to would start to die.

If animals were not dangerous to help protect their young, then the young could die. As a result
less animals would mature into adults and so the population would reduce.

What would the world be like without transport?

This is very difficult for us to imagine.

In the extreme scenario where there is NO transport.

We would have to walk everywhere - slow, would have to stay local, not go very far away on holiday etc.

We would have to carry everything we wanted. All of our food would be grown locally, just like it was for most people 150 years ago, no more food from other countries.

Everything we use would have to be found locally, for example, bricks to make houses.

Many things we take for granted would just not be available.

What will life be like when we run out of oil ? So many different types of transport we have depend on oil (petrol, diesel etc) for energy.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Why do we have DANGEROUS animals ?

They are dangerous either to:

(a) get food - hunger, catch prey
(b) to protect themselves or their young - for example hippos - they are very aggressive but do not eat meat. Kill 100-150 humans/year.

It is a way of keeping the population of some animals down
Note - just because it is dangerous to say humans - it may not be dangerous to others.

Why do we have Transport ?

We have transport, so we can move people or 'goods' from one location to another.
Man has always wanted to move
Started by walking - cheap, not very fast, can't carry very much.

Invented quicker ways to move and carry more, including:

For land - animals - horse,
Human powered - scooter, roller skates, bicycle
Mechanical power -
For Air
For Water - human powered - swimming

Also transport allows man to travel to / across places he would not normally be able to travel to/across. For example:
Boats allow man to travel across water.
Submarines allow man to travel down to great depths in the oceans.
Rockets allow man to travel in space.

Yes without transport life would be very different.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

This is a fun maths website. TRY IT OUT!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Last week we were learing dancing for our assembly we are doing the assembly on Friday 3rd of April
Our assembly is on the 3rd of April we are doing an assembly on Mary Queen of Scots. it is going to be amazing because we're doing a dance from the band Queen. We made 2 plays about Mary Queen of Scots.
Last week we did a lego animations
We are learning about Mary Queen of Scots and we are making a movie on MQS and the movie some things are not the real thing and BY?
Hi I`m going to tell you about p5 assembly ,well as you already know p5 are doing an assembly Friday the 3rd of April we are doing it about Mary queen of Scots .We are going to do a dance by Queen and then we are going to say a little bit about what we have been doing so we`ve got a lot to do this week.
We are going to show the hole school our assembly. Our assembly is about Mary Queen of Scots.
We are going to have a assembly about MQS/Mary Queen of Scots. we are doing a dance and we made two lego animations. redcow 821

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Another good web site

Mary liked music. This is one of her musical instruments.
I have found a new website about Mary Queen of Scots.

Have a Look!

This is Mary Queen of Scots in the National Museum of Scotland

Here is Mary Queen of Scots at the Natioinal Museum of Scotland Lying on her Tomb.
We went to the National Museum of Scotland to see Mary Queen of Scots, and we got to see a cast of her tomb.


Mary's head goes by by

When we went to the museum. I saw the thing that chopped her head off.
She died on Wednesday 8 February 1587.

written by little redcow825
John Knox is a bad person because he wanted to kill Mary Queen of Scots for no reason.

This is MQS's family

MQS has a Mum a Dad and a Son, The dad is called James the V, Mary's Mum is called Mary of Guise and her sons name is James VI. By RedCow 821.

Some good Internet Links for MQS

I have researched the internet for some good web sites on MQS.

Try these out:

Monday, 9 February 2009


Sunday, 8 February 2009

Where are the pictures we added ?
Remember what Mr Hyde said - you must use the 'thumb-nail' pictures to ensure they are displayed.
An example of a file name is:

Notice it has the word 'thumb' in the path name.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

this is ST. Andrews Castle

this is the book that Mary wrote in France.

this is where Mary queen of Scot's was imprisoned.

And this is Mary son.

this is Mary's son James the VI when he was older.

Mary couldnt see james ever again because she was getting her head chopped off so she wrote some letters to him, this was her last letter to him, james was very little when Mary died so he


MQS's Mum and Dad

This is MQS's mother.

this is Mary queen of Scots bedroom at borthwick castle.

this is Mary queen of Scots mum and dad.

When we went to see Mary Queen of -
Scots at the Scottish Museum.It was really fun plus exciting and scary.

this is Edinburgh castle where Marys son was born.

Mary Queen Of Scots married to Dauphin
IS A BEAUTIFULQUEEN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I
Mary Queen of Scots was born in Linlithgow and she was crowned Queen of Scotland at only six days old

John Knox didn't let Mary dance and have fun.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

P5 are studying Mary Queen of Scots (MQS) this term. To help them discover information about MQS, they visited the Scottish National Museum on the 27th January.

During the visit they saw many interesting objects which MQS owned and they also met MQS (well someone acting as her).
The pupils have updated this blog with details of the trip they found most interesting along with some photos.

A good source of photos is on scran. (These are only permissible in thumbnail view, to ensure all users can view the picture).

Thursday, 29 January 2009

we have been learning about Mary queen of Scots,on the 27h 0f January we went to see Mary queen of scots at the museum Mary showed us nearly every thing about Marys life we got to see a copy of Marys tomb.
We have been learning about (MQS ) MQS means Mary Queen of Scots

Mary Queen of Scots was very nice to us we saw a big picture on the wall and she died because she had a lot of power over men and she went to France.

written by

Little red cow 825
We have been learning about Mary queen of Scot's and have still got more to learn about her. we went to the museum. To see Mary queen of Scot's (FAKE). It was fun and we saw the coins with Marys face on them. .LIKE THIS.

we have been learning about Mary Queen of Scots this term and we've still got more to go. we went to the museum on the 27Th of January to see Mary (fake). we had to do allot of some quizzes and looked at alto of pictures. And we saw Beatons. by RED COW 821.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

this is very cool and i like this blog site very much and its fabulous
Hi im going to the museum to see MQS. MQS means Mary Queen of Scots. we are learning about MQS and everyone I think likes it.

From Red Cow 821

Saturday, 17 January 2009

we visited Vivian French at the 'Caves' on 31st Oct

Thursday, 15 January 2009

P5 - RULES of using the Blog

- Keep your blog message short and to the point.
- Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation before publication.
- Ensure you use appropriate language.
- Only use first names and not full name - for example 'Micky' rather than 'Micky Mouse'.
- DO NOT provide any personal details.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Dussera Festival Lion

As part of P5 investigation into endangered animals they had the chance to visit Edinburgh Zoo. Whilst there they helped 'build a lion' from paper and wood, which was then used in the Dussera festival at the end of October 08. This is one of the lions they made.

To Add a Photo

Photos can either be added from your photo album or from photos on the web which are NOT copyright protected.
To source images which are allowed to be used, then link to
'Open Photo'
'Flickr: Creative Commons'
'Creative Commons Search'
(a) Select the web link to your photo album.
When you have found the picture you want.
(b) If possible - Use the thumb nail picture so the quality is poor if expanded.
(c) Right Mouse Button on the picture and select properties.
(d) Cut & Paste the Address (URL) into the buffer (Highlight it and press, CTRL-C on a PC, or Apple-C on the Mac) Be VERY careful and make sure you have copied the total link, it will usually end .jpg and be at least 3 lines long.
(e) Select the 'Add Image' icon when in the 'Postings' box when editing your blog text, and paste in your URL, (using CTRL-V on a PC, or Apple-V on the Mac).
(f) You can resize the picture once added, so that the text flows around it.
(g) NOTE - if the photo is deleted from 'picasa' or other source site, then the photo will no longer be displayed on the blog.

Hosted Photos

Photographs taken by P5 to be used on this blog site have been hosted on the Internet by the service - Picasa. The pictures on this site have
(a) been uploaded with the minimum of resolution.
(b) are either pictures of objects or group photos.
(c) individual photos are only permitted where the individual cannot be easily cut and pasted into another picture for inappropriate use.
(d) pictures of people are only displayed where permission has been given.
The pictures on the site have been set so they can only be viewed by an authorised user signing on.
The principle purpose of the site is to host all photos in one location to allow the pupils to easily attach them to the blog site.
Photos on this site may be accessed by signing on via

Sunday, 11 January 2009


This is a Blog site for P5 - to enable them to post details on what they have been learning.